Patriot Pioneers Athletics
Patriot High School
Boys Varsity Soccer
Team News.
7.0 years ago @ 1:57PM
Soccer today, 2/9 is canceled due to wind chill. Please be sure to go home directly after school. Continue training and preparing, tryouts are in less than 2 weeks!!!
8.0 years ago @ 2:03PM
Due to lack of volunteers, families were assigned the concessions times 1/25. IF you OR your son cannot attend it is your responsibility to fill your space, thank you for understanding the importance of this role and our relationship with the Booster's program.
1/25 4:00-7:00 pm
Cureton, Lawlor, Rosales, Byrd, Keating, Martinez
1/25 7:00-9:00 pm
Chiodo, Kepnang, DiNofrio, Uribe, Davis, MIze
I look forward to seeing you there. Please be sure to sign up at the website below.
8.0 years ago @ 8:38AM
As of 1/17 we have had one person volunteer for the 10 required concession spaces. I will assign these spaces tomorrow if we do not fill the roles. Please remember, we are no longer required to work our concessions during season so this is an opportunity for our program to fundraise and support the Booster's (who purchased new uniforms for our Varsity program this year). Please sign up so I do not need to assign spaces. Thank you for your continued support.
Coach Cureton
8.0 years ago @ 1:37PM
Boys soccer next concession sign-up is for 1/25 for Boys Basketball, please volunteer!
I will assign volunteers by 1/18- Thank you all in advance I look forward to seeing you soon.
8.0 years ago @ 12:44PM
Due to cold temps after school pick-up is canceled today 1/5/17. Hopefully it will resume next Thursday. Please go home on the bus.
8.0 years ago @ 1:47PM
Due to expected temps Thursday 12/15 pick-up has been moved to tomorrow 12/14 on T. Clay 2:35-4:00. It will still be cold, please dress warm. You need a physical to attend.
8.0 years ago @ 2:02PM
Conditioning after school is canceled today, please go home on the bus. Sessions will resume next Thursday, have a wonderful weekend.
8.0 years ago @ 7:56AM
Boys Soccer pick-up play Thursdays 2:30-4:00 on the Stadium (Weather pending)
Dec 1, 8, 15
Jan 5, 12, 19, 26
Feb 2, 9
Bring proper gear (ball, shin-guards, light/dark shirt, warm weather gear, water)
This is an opportunity for us to start playing together as a unit and to maintain our fitness level prior to the season.
8.0 years ago @ 1:18PM
Starting 12/1/16 the Mulch Sale orders go live, you can find the online order form and printable version at the link below:
Please get out and sell, this is a large fundraiser for our program and benefits us greatly.
If you have not already, please be sure to join our PHS Boosters club, these wonderful members of our school community assist in making our opportunities as great as possible. Thank you in advance,
Finally, our next concessions sign-up is during a Boys Basketball game here at PHS on 1/26/17, please go to sign-up Genius and volunteer if you have yet to contribute. I would prefer to have volunteers rather than assign the spaces. Thank you in advance for your continued support in making our program excellent.
Thank you all for your continued assistance, new workout dates will be announced after Thanksgiving break. Happy Holidays all!
8.0 years ago @ 10:46AM
Assigned Concessions 10/11
Please go to the link sign-up if you are assigned concession spaces for today 10/11. Thank you to those who volunteered, remember this is a very small responsibility considering how much the Booster's does for us collectively. Please bring the boy's, they will get volunteer hours and fill one of our spaces. Remember this counts as your concession volunteers space and this should cover you for the remainder of the year.
3:00-5:00 pm 10/11 at the stadium
1) Chiodo Family
?2) Gallant Family
3) Kepnang Family
4) Gellios Family
5) Anderson Family
5:00-7:30 pm 10/11 Stadium
1) Cantrell family
2) Corzo Family
3) Rosales Family
4) Groseclose Family
5) Edwards Family
8.0 years ago @ 10:45AM
Assigned Concessions 10/11
Please go to the link sign-up if you are assigned concession spaces for today 10/11. Thank you to those who volunteered, remember this is a very small responsibility considering how much the Booster's does for us collectively. Please bring the boy's, they will get volunteer hours and fill one of our spaces. Remember this counts as your concession volunteers space and this should cover you for the remainder of the year.
3:00-5:00 pm 10/11 at the stadium
1) Chiodo Family
?2) Gallant Family
3) Kepnang Family
4) Gellios Family
5) Anderson Family
5:00-7:30 pm 10/11 Stadium
1) Cantrell family
2) Corzo Family
3) Rosales Family
4) Groseclose Family
5) Edwards Family
8.0 years ago @ 8:52AM
Please go to the link sign-up if you are assigned concession spaces for 10/11. Thank you to those who volunteered. If you are unable to work concessions it is your responsibility to find someone to fill your space, remember this is a very small responsibility considering how much the Booster's does for us. Please bring the boy's they will get volunteer hours and fill one of our spaces. Remember this counts as your concession volunteers space and this should cover you for the remainder of the year. Thank you all for everything, I will be at both games helping, I could not do this alone.
3:00-5:00 pm 10/11 at the stadium
1) Chiodo Family
?2) Gallant Family
3) Kepnang Family
4) Gellios Family
5) Anderson Family
5:00-7:30 pm 10/11 Stadium
1) Cantrell family
2) Corzo Family
3) Rosales Family
4) Groseclose Family
5) Edwards Family
8.0 years ago @ 9:55AM
The Booster's has done an amazing job at supporting our program throughout the short history here at PHS. We have received multiple sets of uniforms and new equipment in order to be able to train and achieve excellence. Please understand, the Booster club asks very minimal volunteer time from each sport. Our team is designated 4 out-of-season events to work-to support sports/clubs here at PHS. Working out-of-season activities allows for parents to be able to thoroughly enjoy their athletes sport in-season. I cannot stress to you the importance of volunteering for these designated times, myself and the other coaches on staff will represent our team, however we cannot OPERATE the entire concession stand on our own. Please know when signing up that athletes are allowed to volunteer and get hours for this as well.
10/11 is our next slot-this is the JV/V Field Hockey game. We NEED volunteers. This date is also a Junior Ring ceremony/information night. I will be assigning 9, 10, and 12 athletes/parents tomorrow if spaces are still vacant. Juniors will be assigned a different date. If you would like to SIGN-UP to avoid being assigned I would greatly appreciate the support.
Additionally, both JV and V need a team "Manager" for concessions, the training is tomorrow evening and the sign-up link is below. If anyone is interested in representing your squad (preferably returning player parents), I would greatly appreciate this. I am offering a Thank you gift from the team for taking on this responsibility, please email me once you have signed-up/completed the training.
We need concession managers for JV&V Please attend the training-
Soccer Concessions 10/11 Sign up with link. I will assign people by 10/5 if spaces are still open. Thank you
The Boys Soccer Coaching Staff
8.0 years ago @ 1:01PM
Monday's 2:30-4
10/3 T. Clay
10/10 OFF
10/17 Grass
10/24 Grass
8.0 years ago @ 11:07AM
Boosters needs help with concessions tonight-sign up and it counts for your spot! Let me know! Thank you!!!!
8.0 years ago @ 9:53AM
Hello all and welcome back. Concessions have changed this year. Instead of running concessions during our season and risking the possibility of missing your son play- PHS Boosters has decided to rotate a few out-of-season dates for each team (approximately 4 all year). Attendance is extremely important as this generates revenue not only for the soccer program but it also provides concessions for another sport/team. Please go to the link below to sign up/volunteer for our next time slot (October 11 3-5pm or 5-7:30pm). We need a specific amount of adult volunteers and the boys as well, please remember this counts as service hours and there is a free meal included! If I do not have the appropriate amount of volunteers by 9/15/2016 I will assign returning players and their families, thank you for understanding.
Additional news: out of season conditioning/practice has begun. We have either T. Clay or the Stadium field from 2:30-4 every Tuesday through the end of October. In order to attend you must have completed a physical and have the appropriate training gear (cleats, shin-guards). Please bring a light/dark t-shirt and pumped ball (if you can).
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at or join our Remind 101 page by texting 81010 the message @phsbsoccer (this is for both parents and athletes).
I am looking forward to another wonderful season. Thank you,
Coach Cureton
8.0 years ago @ 9:45AM
Anyone interested in trying out for soccer for the spring of 17' please attend a mandatory interest meeting in Ms. Cureton's room (1710 in the modular) Friday briefly after school. If you are unable to stay after due to transportation please be sure to stop by my room between now and then. Thanks and I look forward to productive out-of-season activities.
8.0 years ago @ 5:38PM
Boys soccer is scheduled to work the JV/V field hockey game tomorrow night in the stadium. Please sign up to help-concessions have changed from in season games to all year to ensure that parents aren't missing their athlete play.!/showSignUp/10c0e4ba5ae2aa6f85-20162/5569059 Sign up with the link above. Thank you all in advance.
8.0 years ago @ 8:06AM
The banquet is this evening in Commons 1 at 6 pm. If you have not already, please complete the survey below. If you have any questions please email me at
We look forward to seeing you this evening.
8.0 years ago @ 12:35PM
The Patriot High School Boys Soccer team will travel to Washington and Lee High School on 5/24 and play at 6pm
The winner advances to play at an unknown location Thursday, 5/26
8.0 years ago @ 8:55AM
The semifinal conference boys soccer game will be at OPHS (5/18) tonight at 5:30pm.
8.0 years ago @ 11:38AM
Wednesday 5/18 Patriot vs. Osbourn Park @ Osbourn Park High School at 5:30pm
The winner will advanced and play the higher seed on Friday 5/20 (information to come).
Regional information will be posted as it is discovered.
8.0 years ago @ 11:08AM
Today, 2:45, in Room 2033.
J. Slaiby
B. Ventura
T. Davis
W. Mize
A. Uribe
J. Edwards
B. Fabian
H. Cantrell
E. Bonilla
A. Rosales
W. Groseclose
J. Cardona
E. Hernandez
A. DiNofrio
K. Lewis
F. Diorio
C. Trask
D. Gellios
E. Anderson
A. Lawlor
E. Rosales
H. Nasr
R. Keating
B. Gallant
I. Byrd
M. Glulajan
C. Mejia
J. Cruz
A. Gonzalez
J. Estrada
M. Sharfi
TJ Ntungue
A. Martinez
8.0 years ago @ 1:13PM
Please complete the survey below in order for your son to be eligible for Wednesday's scrimmage.
If you have any questions at any time please feel free to contact Coach Cureton, Coach Nemerow or Coach MacEwen with the provided contact information. Thank you,
8.0 years ago @ 8:55PM
Feb 22
Tryouts 2:30-4:30 Stadium |
Feb 23
Tryouts 2:30-4:30 Grass |
Feb 24
Tryouts 2:30-4:30 Stadium First Round of Cuts |
Feb 25
Tryouts 2:30-4:30 Grass Final Round of cuts |
Feb 26
Tryouts 2:30-4:30 Stadium
Monday’s tryouts will begin promptly at 2:30 on the STADIUM
Check in for those with forms will be in Commons 1 with Mr. Qualls.
Ms. Lawlor will be signing you ALL in and issuing numbers at a table in Commons 1. Please be sure you have a number and have given Ms. Lawlor your yellow slip before coming to the field. If you have questions please see me throughout the day or email me at
In order to tryout you must have:
Shin guards
Proper footwear
Please be prepared for indoor/outdoor conditions at ALL TIMES this week, your lack of preparation does not warrant a tryout extension.
9.0 years ago @ 3:12PM
The January Conditioning calendar has been uploaded to the "files" section of the website.
9.0 years ago @ 3:59PM
The Patriot High School Boys Soccer program is excited to bring Coach Nemerow on board for the upcoming 2016 season. Coach Nemerow has extensive varsity experience within the sports of soccer and basketball alike. The program is looking forward to the knowledge and experience that Coach Nemerow will offer the soccer players here at PHS. With his dedication to the student-athletes of PHS and experience we are hoping to make this a great season. If you see Coach Nemerow in the hall please offer him your warmest welcome!
9.0 years ago @ 2:11PM
Hello all! In addition to Twitter @PHSboysVS I have started a Remind 101 app @PHSbsoccer in order to send out information. Once you follow @PHSbsoccer on Remind 101 you will receive one-way text messages involving important announcements. Both Twitter and Remind 101 are optional. If you would like to join the soccer Remind 101 please click here:
9.0 years ago @ 8:23AM
We are excited at the new possibilities this season has to offer.
We have just received word that we have field opening/availability on the Stadium field from 2:20-4 on October 13, 20, 28 and November 3. Please be sure to have your physical and concussion training completed (Post date June 1, 2015) and come prepared to weather the elements (cold, rain, etc.)
We are looking forward to some fun pick-up sessions to get us through the fall!