Patriot Pioneers Athletics
Patriot High School
Girls Varsity Softball
Team News.
5.0 years ago @ 9:34AM
Tryouts are outside on the field today, 2/19. 2:30-4:30.
5.0 years ago @ 9:34AM
Tryouts are outside on the field today, 2/19. 2:30-4:30.
5.0 years ago @ 6:48PM
First day of tryouts will be Tuesday 2/19 at PHS. Time is TBD. Inside or outside is TBD. Can’t wait to see you there! Make sure all paperwork is filled out and turned in! Tryouts are 2/19-2/22.
5.0 years ago @ 5:46PM
Due to weather and communications PHS softball will be extending try outs Thursday and Friday with the possibility of Monday. Times are 2:30-4:30, TBD if inside or outside. Please see Mr. Qualls for the mandatory paper work before showing up. Please be advised to frequently check website for updates.
5.0 years ago @ 6:45PM
Tomorrow 2/14 we will be having a mandatory softball meeting in room 1403 after school at 2:30pm. All that are interested in trying out this year MUST attend this meeting as we have important papers to hand out that must get filled out and turned in before tryouts on Tuesday 2/19.
5.0 years ago @ 9:51AM
Everyone interested in trying out this year and all returning players are welcome to attend practice after school on 1/9 from 2:30-4. Please meet coach Ritchie in the softball press box at 2:30.
5.0 years ago @ 9:28AM
We need volunteers to help with the winter concessions. Please use the link above to sign up and we appreciate your help!
5.0 years ago @ 7:27PM
All that are interested in trying out for the Patriot softball program are encouraged to come out to this interest meeting. Location of this meeting is in the commons at 6:00pm. Hope to see you there!
- Coaches
6.0 years ago @ 7:15PM
Optional team practice at PHS on the softball field from 10 AM to noon. Rising freshman and returning players all allowed to come.
6.0 years ago @ 2:42PM
Varsity coach, Coach Ritchie is having an optional practice on Wednesday at 10am to noon at PHS on the softball field.
6.0 years ago @ 8:28PM
Thursday's 4/5 Varsity Softball Game has been moved to Centreville HS at 6:30 instead of hosting Colonial Forge HS.
6.0 years ago @ 1:58PM
Hello ladies-
We will be holding a softball interest meeting on Wednesday, February 7th at 2:20 in room 1403. We will hold a workout practice afterwards on the field for whoever would like to stay. Workouts after the meeting is NOT mandatory. Anyone interested trying out this year, NEEDS to attend this meeting.
6.0 years ago @ 4:33PM
2/20: (Tuesday) First day of tryouts
2/21: (Wednesday) Second day of tryouts
2/22: (Thursday) Third day of tryouts
2/23 (Friday) If need be, Fourth day of tryouts