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Patriot Pioneers Athletics

Patriot High School


Patriot Pioneers Athletics

Patriot High School

Patriot Pioneers Athletics

Patriot High School

Team News.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:16AM

Player Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible to participate in off season training opportunities for the coming school year all players must complete the following.

1) A current physical dated after May 1, 2019. 

2) A blue emergency card on file 


BEFORE the regular season, all players must also complete the Concussion training

Patriot Concussion training dates are listed below. All meetings are in the auditorium. Returning students may complete the concussion training on-line. 

June 5 6:30

July 9 6:30

October 30 6:30

February 5 6:30

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:39PM

PHS Girls Lacrosse Try-outs Day 2 and 3, Parent meeting

Day 2 of try-outs will be tomorrow, Friday 2/22 from 5-7. The turf is clear but wet. Please be sure to wear appropriate footwear. Sneakers or cross-trainers on wet turf puts the player at a MUCH higher risk of injury. Please be prepared.


Day 3 - Saturday 2/23 8-10. We need to get the team selections made so that we can move forward with our season. We will play from 8-9/9:15 and then begin meeting with individual players. If you have a concern or a problem with attendance, please speak to Coach O'Neill ASAP. 

The parent meeting originally scheduled for Monday has been postponed. New date TBD. 

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 12:54PM

PHS Girls Lacrosse Try-outs 2019

Tuesday 2/19 - Thursday 2/21

4:30: Player Check-in  

  • Players will meet in room 1404 

  • Players will check in with coaching staff to ensure they have turned in all necessary paperwork. 

  • Players will be assigned numbers to be used throughout the 3 day try-out. #’s should be attached to their practice jersey (both sides) and should be easily visible at all times. Scores for all assessments will be recorded using these numbers.  

  • Any player needing loaner equipment will sign out their equipment for the day. YOU MUST LET THE COACHES KNOW AHEAD OF TIME THAT YOU WILL NEED EQUIPMENT! 

  • Players should change quickly and return to the classroom WITH THEIR BELONGINGS after changing.  

  • Players may only be in the locker room during assigned times.  

  • Extra bags and gear should be left in the classroom during practice to ensure that it is secured as the players will not be given team lockers until the teams are chosen.  

4:50: locker-room will be locked and all players will be dismissed to walk to the stadium.  

  • Players should wear their jerseys on the outside of their clothing with number visible. 

  • Players should bring only necessary equipment to the field.  

  • Stick, Goggles, Mouthguard 

  • Water bottle – filled with a minimum of 32 oz of water 

  • Inhalers/medical braces etc. 

  • Phones and other valuables should be left in their cars or room 1404 during practice.  

  • In the case of emergency, parents can contact Coach O’Neill – 571-643-8902 


7:00: End of practice and dismissal 

  • Players will be dismissed to go home from the stadium.  

  • Players needing to re-enter the building may do so, but the locker-rooms will not be opened at this time.  

  • Any player waiting for a ride home should wait inside the building, in the hallway by the weight room.  

  • Players are not to roam the building/wait outside/by other doors.  

  • Coaches will be present until the last player has been picked up.  


Team News

5.0 years ago @ 12:04PM

Pre-Season Training

We are currently training on Monday and Wednesday evenings.

5-6:00 is in the weight room. Indoor clothing, shoes and water bottles are necessary.

6:00 - 7:00 is outside on the field. Layers of weather appropriate clothing, sticks, waterbottles, mouthguards, goggles and cleats are needed. 

*If the weather is too cold to go outside we will go in the gym/aux gym from 6-7:00. If there is space available. If there is no space, players will be released at 6:00. Coaches will make this decision by 5:00 to ensure players are able to arrange for a ride home. 

To participate players should complete the following

1) Physical

2) Emergency card

3) Concussion training

Documentation can be turned in to Coach O'Neill either in the PE office or in the main office. 

Team News

6.0 years ago @ 9:37AM

PHS Girls Lacrosse - Winter training

1) Winter League - Please sign up for winter league ASAP. We need to have numbers ASAP so we know if we have enough players for both JV and Varsity.


2) Speed, agility and power development - This is the link to sign up for the winter athlete’s addiction training.

Team News

6.0 years ago @ 7:53AM

Athlete's Addiction Fall training - Girls Lacrosse
Team News

6.0 years ago @ 7:53AM

Athlete's Addiction Fall training - Girls Lacrosse
Team News

6.0 years ago @ 3:15PM

Thursday 4/12 Madison HS game time (GLAX)

Thursday's 4/12 varsity girls lacrosse game at Madison HS has been changed to a 7:15 start time.  The JV game will still begin at 6:00.



Team News

6.0 years ago @ 1:49PM

PHS Girls Lacrosse Pre-Season Meeting

We will have a mandatory team meeting on MONDAY February 5th in room 1404. Please make sure you are there! 

If you miss the meeting you must come see Coach O'Neill ASAP to get the information and paperwork. 


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 11:49AM

PHS Girls Lacrosse Winter League

We will be participating in Winter League at South County High School.

Please sign up by December 1st to ensure we have numbers. 

This is full field, outdoor games. 

  • 6 FULL FIELD games all on turf
    • Great opportunity to practice the new rules and continue to work on endurance for FULL FIELD
  • 2 - 3 refs for each game
  • Reversibles for teams (players get to keep) 
  • Teams must have minimum of 18 on roster 
  • Games on Sundays (no Friday or Saturday games) 
  • Players register for the their team individually - so you as a coach do not need to do anything more than send the email
  • REGISTER HERE: Here is the link to sign up:

DatesJANUARY: Sunday 1/7, Sunday 1/14, Sunday 1/21,   Sunday 1/28

FEBRUARY:      Sunday 2/4, Sunday 2/11,  Sunday 2/18 – RAIN/SNOW DATE

Cost: $120 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 8:28AM

Girls Lacrosse Interest meeting

Winter interest meeting, Thursday, November 16th in room 1404 at 2:15. 

We will go over very important information such as

- Fund-Raising

- Winter-league

- Try-out expectations and format (including fitness and other tests to be conducted)

- 2018 Game schedule

All interested players should plan to attend. If you cannot attend, please see coach O'Neill on Thursday or Friday.


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 8:51PM

Fall Ball

We will be running fall ball on the following dates. 


Friday 9-15: We may not have field space but will find a location to do some type of training from 2:30 - 4:00

Friday - 9-22

Friday - 9-29

October 10-6, 10-13, 10-20, 10-27

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 8:07PM

Week 1 Running Schedule

Girls Lacrosse - Week 1 Running plan

3-4 days running this week: do not run 2 days in a row. Keep track of your times for the 1.5 mile and your distances for your warm-up and cool down. It will be a great way to track your progress and keep motivation. 

10 Minute warm-up: easy jog

Dynamic stretching - 15 yds each (high knees, butt kicks, TT's, Knee hugs, High Skips, Lunges, Slow side steps, Fast side steps, caraoka, sumo's, backpedal, 0 - 100% build for 50 yards)

1.5 miles - moderate to fast depending on how much activity you have been doing. Keep track of your time to compare later. Feel free to send me your time!

Follow with 20 minutes of wall ball - FORM IS IMPORTANT! practice wall ball the way you want to play in a game. High intensity, precision and good form. 

10 minute cool down: Easy jog

10 minute stretch